Aquarium Therapy – Part 2

As promised in Part 1, this is Part 2 of the aquarium series. There was a magical tuna tank that I spent a lot of time around, trying to capture the contrast between the people and the size of the tunas.
👇 I’m also opening up a comment section, you’ll find it at the bottom.
As a side-note, I’m particularly excited by Ghost’s announcement (the platform I’m using for this newsletter) about joining Activity Pub. In a nutshell, this should be a great middle-ground between social media and building your own publication.
You used to have two choices:
- Join social media and be at the mercy of their algorithms
- Build your own website and sacrifice your visibility
But what if there was a 3rd way? A way of applying the openness of email to private publications. This means people across different platforms could follow, like and reply to one another. This is what Activity Pub is attempting to do.
This rings true to me. I left Instagram to build this website almost 2 years ago now, and publishing is a rewarding but lonely endeavour.